Use "indo-european languages|indo european language" in a sentence

1. 3 synonyms for Aryan: Indo-European, Indo-Aryan, Indo-European

2. 10 words related to Albanian: Albania, Republic of Albania, European, Indo-European language, Indo-Hittite, Indo-European, Gheg, Gheg dialect, Tosk

3. Avestan (əvĕs`tən), language belonging to the Iranian group of the Indo-Iranian subfamily of the Indo-European family of languages

4. The Baltic languages belong to the Balto-Slavic branch of the Indo-European language family

5. Anatolian languages, extinct Indo-European and non-Indo-European languages spoken in Anatolia from sometime in the 3rd millennium bce until the early centuries of the …

6. Albanian is a synthetic language that is similar in structure to most other Indo-European languages

7. Brythonic (brĭthŏn`ĭk), group of languages belonging to the Celtic subfamily of the Indo-European family of languages.See Celtic languages Celtic languages, subfamily of the Indo-European family of languages

8. Proto-Atlantean was an Indo-European language of Anatolian descent

9. Aryan definition is - indo-european

10. Data on Abruzzian: Classification: Indo-European language family, romance language, variation of Italian

11. The Atlantean Language, Atlantean is described by Atlantologists as a Mother Tongue of the Indo-European Languages and is a Fusional Language

12. Bopp:German philologist whose Comparative Grammar (1833-18 illustrated the similarities among Indo-European languages.

13. Shevoroshkin have established that the language of the Carians belongs to the Hittite-Luwian (Luvian) group of Indo-European languages.

14. Like other proposed Penutian languages, Plateau Penutian languages are rich in ablaut, much like Indo-European and Afro-Asiatic languages.

15. Brahmanas are supposed to be the oldest prose writings in any Indo-European language

16. They include more than 50 peoples whose languages are variously Caucasian, Indo-European, Turkic, or Semitic.

17. Hirt made foundational contributions to the study of Proto-Indo-European language accent and ablaut.

18. Alsatian is an Indo-European language, which means it derives from proto-Indo-European, a language spoken around 5000 BC from the North Sea to the Caspian Sea, and from the Elbe to the Volga

19. Sanskrit is an Indo-European classical language of India and a liturgical language of Hinduism , Buddhism, and Jainism .

20. Descendants of the Aryans include speakers of Sanskrit and Avestan which are related to the Indo-European languages

21. Some Southeast Indo-European languages name the orange after Portugal, which was formerly its main source of imports.

22. Avestanis the oldest known form of the languages in the Iranian part of the Indo-Iranian language family, part of the Indo-European language family. Avestan is named for the Zend Avesta, the sacred scriptures of the Zoroastrians in which it

23. Wherever non-Aryan languages are spoken within this Indo-European domain, it is for either one of two reasons

24. The Carian language is an extinct language of the Luwian subgroup of the Anatolian branch of the Indo-European language family

25. Frederik Kortlandt places the territory of this common language near the Indo-European homeland: "The Indo-Europeans who remained after the migrations became speakers of Balto-Slavic".

26. Albanian is an Indo-European language spoken mainly in the Balkan Peninsula by approximately five million people

27. What does Aryan mean? Aryan is described as a member or descendant of the early speakers of Indo-European languages

28. Avestan definition, an ancient East Iranian language of the Indo-European family, the language of all the Avesta but the Gathas

29. Indo-European, a term Coined in the early nineteenth century, is clunky

30. ‘The principal non-Persian Indo-European speakers include Kurds, Lurs, Baluchis, and

31. In the narrower sense, Ablaut refers to the system of root vowel alternations in Proto-Indo-European and its daughter languages.

32. The ever-restless Baluchi language belongs to the Iranian branch of the Aryan subfamily of the Indo-European family.

33. Balochi language, also spelled Baluchi or Beluchi, one of the oldest living languages of the Indo-Iranian group of the Indo-European languages.A West Iranian language, Balochi is spoken by about five million people as a first or second language in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, India, and Baloch diaspora communities.

34. Their language is part of the great Indo-European family of languages but is written in a script that's unique to the Armenians.There are western and eastern dialects of the language.

35. It is the most widely spoken Germanic language, accounting for at least 70% of speakers of this Indo-European branch.

36. [From Latin Acerbus; see ak- in Indo-European roots.] a·cer′bi

37. Learn Bengali through conversations It’s easy to fall in love with Bengali, the local speech of the most easternmost Indo-European languages

38. Many historians refer the term Aryans with those who spoke Indo-European languages, including English, Russian, Greek, German, Persian, Latin and Sanskrit

39. Origin of Cacoethes Latin cacoēthes from neuter of Greek kakoēthēs ill-disposed kakos bad kakka- in Indo-European roots ēthos disposition s (w)e- in Indo-European roots From American Heritage …

40. Avestan definition: the oldest recorded language of the Iranian branch of the Indo-European family; the Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

41. In 1867, Siemens completed the monumental Indo-European (Calcutta to London) telegraph line.

42. [Middle English bisetten, from Old English Besettan; see sed- in Indo-European roots.] be

43. Belgian ( linguistics ) A hypothetical extinct Indo-European language , supposed to have been spoken distinct from Celtic in late prehistory , in certain …

44. From an English-speaking perspective, Aryan refers to the race of people belonging to the Indo-European ethnic and language groups.

45. Sanskrit and Avestan (Old Persian) It is generally believed that the language that evolved into the Indo-European languages originated in the region in the vicinity of the Caspian Sea

46. ‘it is the oldest language spoken in Britain, with an unbroken history from Brythonic origins as part of the Celtic family of Indo-European languages from which most European languages derive.’ ‘Many are a posteriori languages, that is, variations on natural languages, like Brithenig (a mixture of the features of Brythonic and Romance

47. ‘it is the oldest language spoken in Britain, with an unbroken history from Brythonic origins as part of the Celtic family of Indo-European languages from which most European languages derive.’ ‘Many are a posteriori languages, that is, variations on natural languages, like Brithenig (a mixture of the features of Brythonic and Romance

48. [Latin Circumvolvere : circum-, circum- + volvere, to roll; see wel- in Indo-European roots.] American …

49. Aryan definition, a member or descendant of the prehistoric people who spoke Indo-European

50. This handbook provides a complete and updated view of our current knowledge about Carian, one of the Indo-European languages spoken in ancient Anatolia

51. [Sanskrit Buddha-, enlightened, past participle of bodhati, he awakes; see bheudh- in Indo-European roots

52. It is widely regarded that as such, Basque is one of the very few pre-Indo-European languages that survived to the present day

53. Particularly in Semitic languages, a suffix is called an Afformative, as it can alter the form of the words.In Indo-European studies, a distinction is

54. [Latin Circumvolvere : circum-, circum- + volvere, to roll; see wel- in Indo-European roots.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.

55. [Middle English Aren, from Old English aron, earon; see er-in Indo-European roots.] Are 2

56. Some speculate that the origin of the Proto-Germanic word is Indo-European *Albho- meaning white.

57. The thorniest, most fought-over question in Indian history is slowly but surely getting answered: did Indo-European language speakers, who called themselves Aryans…

58. Origin of Ablaut German ab off (from Middle High German ab, abe) (from Old High German aba apo- in Indo-European roots) Laut sound (from Middle High German lūt) (from Old High German hlūt kleu- in Indo-European roots) From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition

59. 2017 -, Mate Kapović, Anna Giacalone Ramat, Paolo Ramat, The Indo-European Languages, →ISBN: Celtic tended to thematicize Athematic verbs and to generalize a single grade of …

60. [Middle English animadverten, to notice, from Latin Animadvertere : animus, mind; see anə- in Indo-European roots + …

61. From the Sintashta culture the Indo-Iranian languages migrated with the Indo-Iranians to Anatolia, India and Iran.

62. This is the meaning of Culmus: Culmus (Latin) Origin & history From Proto-Indo-European *ḱolh₂mos‎

63. The Celtic languages are a language family inside of Indo-European languages.There are six Celtic languages still spoken in the world today, spoken in north-west Europe.They are divided into two groups, Goidelic (or Gaelic) and the Brythonic (or British)

64. [Latin Appendere, to hang upon : ad-, ad- + pendere, to hang; see (s)pen- in Indo-European roots.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language

65. [Latin concutere, Concuss-, to strike together : com-, com- + quatere, to strike; see kwēt- in Indo-European roots.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language

66. Bihari is a subgroup of the Indo-Aryan languages that is usually included in the Eastern branch of Indo-Aryan

67. From Old Portuguese Ambos, from Latin ambō, ambōs, from Proto-Indo-European *h₂m̥bʰi (“round about, around”).

68. [Old Norse Althing, parliament, whole assembly : allr, all; see al- in Indo-European roots + thing, assembly .] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.

69. …use of vowel gradation (called Ablaut) is well known from Indo-European languages (e.g., the vowel change in English sing, sang, sung) and is found in several Sino-Tibetan languages, including Chinese and Tibetan

70. Balt, member of a people of the Indo-European linguistic family living on the southeastern shores of the Baltic Sea

71. The term Analytic is commonly used in a relative rather than an absolute sense.The currently most prominent and widely used Indo-European Analytic language is modern English, which has lost much of the inflectional morphology inherited from Proto-Indo-European, Proto-Germanic, and Old English over the centuries and has not gained any new inflectional morphemes in the meantime

72. The Comparative method was developed in the course of the 19th century for the reconstruction of Proto-Indo-European

73. "One group of Indo-European speakers that makes an early appearance on the Xinjiang stage is the Saka (Ch.

74. [Latin blennius, a kind of sea fish, from Greek blennos, slime, Blenny; see mel- in Indo-European roots.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.

75. The Nepali language is the only Indo-Aryan language spoken by native Bhutanese.

76. [Middle English blandishen, from Old French blandir, Blandiss-, from Latin blandīrī, from blandus, flattering; see mel- in Indo-European roots.]

77. [Middle English blandishen, from Old French blandir, Blandiss-, from Latin blandīrī, from blandus, flattering; see mel- in Indo-European roots .]

78. [German, from Middle High German angest, from Old High German angust; see angh- in Indo-European roots.] Angst′y adj

79. In 1962, he was awarded a PhD degree from Heidelberg University for his dissertation on adjectival and verbal color terms in Indo-European languages and the issue of their translation.

80. Com– dignus worthy dek- in Indo-European roots From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition From Old French Condigne, from Latin condignus, from con- + dignus ‘worthy’.